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Halo: Reach Defiant Map Pack leaked

Includes three maps.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Images of what appear to be an upcoming map pack for Xbox 360 exclusive first-person shooter Halo: Reach have leaked onto the internet.

French site Halo Destiny posted several images of the Defiant Map Pack before removing them at Microsoft and Bungie's request (thanks, Joystiq).

The images are still available on photo site Flickr, but for how long?

According to the site, the DLC contains three maps. Condemned takes place aboard a human frigate. Unearthed features open spaces. And Highland has a giant Covenant cruiser that's glassing a planet. Those guys...

Bungie and Microsoft released Halo: Reach's first map pack in November last year. It featured three new maps.

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