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Gears of War 4 trailer channels daddy Fenix

Hello Marcus my old friend.

Gears of War 4 has a release date - 11th October - and now it has a teaser trailer that sets the scene.

Gears of War 4 is set 25 years after Gears of War 3, and as such stars Marcus Fenix's son, JD. The trailer fuses JD's fight against a new enemy with a scene taken from his childhood, where Marcus plants a tree for his son. All this to a soul-destroying cover of Simon & Garfunkel's The Sound of Silence, which is only a key change better than the abomination that was the cover of Nirvana's Come As You Are Microsoft used for the Quantum Break TV ad.

"JD Fenix must embrace his father's legacy and battle a terrifying new enemy," reads the official blurb.

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