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Gearbox owns Duke IP

Pushing the 3D Realms of possibility.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Gearbox now owns the "full intellectual rights" to Duke Nukem and all associated "future projects", top-cat Randy Pitchford has said.

His comments were made in a press release posted in the Gearbox Software forums.

The leaders of 3D Realms - the company that created Duke Nukem - were pleased about this.

CEO Scott Miller said one only had to look at Borderlands to see that Gearbox could make the right kind of "addictively compelling" experience for an audience whose "love and demand" for Duke has "never wavered".

Co-founder George Broussard added that Gearbox had a "perfect" understanding of the Duke brand and that the future was "exciting and unbelievable". "This will be a win-win situation for everyone involved, especially fans," he said.

The Gearbox-developed Duke Nukem Forever was announced on Friday at PAX. The game's really actually coming out on PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 next year.

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