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Full Leftfield Collection line-up unveiled for Rezzed

Thomas Was Alone, Drunken Robot Pornography and others among final selection.

We've already told you a little bit about the Leftfield Collection, our special line-up of indie titles set to be playable in a large space at the heart of Rezzed, but today we're able to unveil the full line-up of games that make up the Collection.

The full line-up includes the head-breaking first-person Antichamber (see video below), Drunken Robot Pornography, and beautiful and simple platform game Thomas Was Alone, plus many more listed further down the page.

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"It's been so hard to keep quiet about the final selection," according to Leftfield Collection organiser David Hayward. "We've had a very wide remit with no limits on how strange a game can be, and there are some absolute corkers in there. This is not your grandma's indie games show... but she'd probably enjoy it."

David will be on-hand throughout Rezzed to help demo the games and to stand in front of that joke.

Rezzed: The PC and Indie Games Show takes place this Friday and Saturday, 6th and 7th July, at the Brighton Centre in Brighton. As well as loads of indie titles, we have playable titles like Borderlands 2, a developer demo of XCOM: Enemy Unknown, and a huge developer sessions schedule featuring the likes of Peter Molyneux and Randy Pitchford.

There are loads more details on, where you can also pick up tickets. Check out the full Leftfield Collection line-up below for more reasons to be interested:

  • Antichamber
  • BaraBariBall
  • Catapult for Hire
  • Dark Scavenger
  • Drunken Robot Pornography
  • Dwindling Worlds
  • Gateways
  • Guacamelee
  • Gunpoint
  • McPixel
  • POP: Methodology Experiment One
  • Proteus
  • qrth-phyl
  • The Cat That Got The Milk
  • Thomas Was Alone
  • Trash TV

Who wouldn't want to be in a room with all that lot? Hopefully you do. See you on Friday and Saturday.

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