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Free Ryzom accounts on offer

Still don't know who's running it.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

A couple of weeks ago, we reported that the offbeat, offline MMO Saga of Ryzom was back from the dead, and former subscribers were being offered free VIP access.

Now, the game's operators and saviours - whose identities remain mysterious - are offering a limited number of free accounts to new players.

You can download the game and sign up for a free account at the official Ryzom site.

Colour us curious. We haven't seen the game running in years ourselves, so we grabbed an account. There are only 800-odd left at time of writing, so if you're desperate for a fix of strange French massively muliplayer science-fantasy, you'd better hurry.

If you miss them, there will be further rounds of account creation later as the operators ramp up their servers. Sounds like a beta test by any other name to us.

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