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Epic wants Gears of War feedback

Who's your favourite Delta squaddie?

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Epic Games is asking for feedback from fans of its hit Xbox 360 shooter Gears of War. A new survey about the game has popped up on the official website.

According to reports, it was originally titled 'Gears of War 2 survey' - but this now appears to have been changed to plain old 'survey'.

Which makes sense when you consider all the questions are about the original game. Epic wants to know who your favourite Delta Squad member is, which is your preferred multiplayer mode and what was the toughest battle, amongst other things.

"Voting rocks," the intro reads. "Now it's time for Gearheads all across this great land of ours (you know, the Internet) to raise their Lancers high and let their voices be heard."

So what are you waiting for? Your brain to recall your password, possibly, as you must be signed in to Windows Live ID complete the survey.

Gears of War 2 is out this November. For absolutely no new information about the game but some stuff about Epic's other bobbins, read our interview with bossman Mark Rein.

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