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Epic Mickey 2's sales were less than epic

Sold less than a quarter of what its predecessor did in North America.

Epic Mickey 2 was slated to be massive hit for Disney after Warren Spector's bold rebranding of the franchise in 2010's Epic Mickey was a moderate success. This was not the case, however, as according to an NPD tipster at the LA Times, the sequel only sold a scant 270,000 units in North America in its first month or so.

To put this in perspective, the first Epic Mickey sold 1.3 million units in its first month in the US and that was a Wii-exclusive. Spector even told me once that is was his best-selling game by a country mile. The sequel, however, came out on Xbox 360, PS3, Wii U, PC and Mac as well, yet it sold less than a quarter as many copies - at least in North America.

It would stand to reason that poor reviews probably impacted sales a great deal. Our resident Disney expert Chris Donlan wasn't so keen on it, only giving it a 4/10 in his Epic Mickey 2 review where he described it as, "a rather empty journey: a tour of a nicely-arranged fairground where none of the rides are actually worth queuing for." Ouch!

It's unclear if Disney will continue the franchise now that it's focusing much of its interactive division towards Disney Infinity, but only time will tell. Maybe this will turn out to be a happy accident and Spector will get to make his dream Duck Tales game after all, eh?

My game sold how poorly?!

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