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Embattled Team Bondi seeking buyer?

Mad Max creator George Miller interested.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Rumour has it that Team Bondi is struggling to find a new publisher following allegations of unfair working practises levelled at the Australian studio.

Team Bondi leader Brendan McNamara has been spotted touring the offices of Dr D - an Australian animation studio owned by Mad Max creator George Miller.

Sources told Kotaku that McNamara is believed to be in talks with Miller's other production company KMM (Kennedy-Mitchell Miller) about an acquisition.

"The word is going round that Team Bondi is being folded into KMM studios, Team Bondi is pretty much doomed after the scandal and can't find any new supporters, so by doing this they can hide their name," one source revealed.

George Miller was apparently "incredibly impressed" with Team Bondi's work on L.A. Noire.

L.A. Noire was an expensive and ambitious project that took a long time to finish. The end result was good, and in some ways ground breaking. But the game's acclaimed release was tarnished by reports of overworked staff as well as more than 100 former staff being omitted from the game's credits.

Insiders at Team Bondi claim the relationship with Rockstar sunk so low that the publisher had "disdain" for the developer. Rockstar will not work with Team Bondi again, the sources declared.

A telling account of life at Team Bondi, told via internal emails, was published on and reproduced on Eurogamer.

The case has gained the attention of the International Game Developers Association, which will investigate the accusations made against Team Bondi.

Eurogamer's L.A. Noire review awarded 8/10.

How will L.A. Noire be remembered?

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