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Elite: Dangerous, Star Citizen will also add Leonard Nimoy memorials

Spock actor to be saluted.

Space games Elite: Dangerous and Star Citizen will both honour the late Star Trek actor Leonard Nimoy via in-game memorials.

Star Trek Online players pay their respects on Spock's home planet of Vulcan.

It follows a similar pledge from Star Trek Online developer Cryptic, after 1000 players logged on to the aging MMO simply to pay their respects to Mr Spock.

Elite: Dangerous executive producer Michael Brookes announced the Nimoy Memorial station via a post on Frontier Games' official forum.

The studio will add its nod to Nimoy in the game's upcoming Wings update (1.2).

Star Citizen developer Cloud Imperium Games will also be honouring Star Trek's most prominent pointy-eared persona.

"Hey guys, no petition necessary," community manager Ben Lesnick explained, responding to player requests for a memorial.

"I think it's safe to say that Mr. Nimoy was an inspiration to all of us on the team, both acting as Spock and because of his core, kind humanity. We will find an appropriate way to honour him."

NASA astronaut Terry Virts pays tribute to Nimoy from the International Space Station.

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