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EA addresses Battlefield 3 server problems

Xbox 360 users worst hit.

UPDATE: DICE has posted a more detailed run-down of the fixes it's currently working on, via its Battlefield blog.

ORIGINAL STORY: Server issues which have left many Battlefield 3 customers unable to play online since launch are almost fixed, publisher EA has insisted.

A spokesperson told Kotaku that PC and PlayStation 3 users should not see any more problems, while the situation for Xbox 360 users is improving.

"We are happy to report that PS3 and PC players experienced server stability all weekend, and Xbox 360 servers are at 95 per cent and climbing," they explained.

"There were a number of different factors that impacted server connectivity across the platforms. Regardless of the cause or platform, our Online teams are standing by to identify the issues and addressed them as they arise. We will not rest until we're at 100 per cent."

The spokesperson wouldn't detail exactly why Xbox 360 users have had a particularly rough ride.

"There are a number of different factors impacting server connectivity on Xbox 360. It is a particularly complex server architecture and we continue to work with Microsoft to improve connectivity."

EA blamed the wider server issues on unprecedented demand for the DICE-developed sequel.

"With such huge interest in the game, demand outstripped even our best expectations coming out of the beta," explained the spokesperson.

"This is an evolving process that we are committed to improving. Even with a successful beta, systems under load will reveal new opportunities for optimisation and improvement. When we see those opportunities, we would rather move immediately and create short-term inconvenience (maintenance period) to improve the long-term experience for all players.

"We believe that the major issues are behind us, but our Online teams will not be happy until we're at 100 per cent. We continue to work on solving for each issue."

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