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Dragon Age 2 has blowjob scene

BioWare allows straight and gay romances.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Dragon Age II offers more than a racy bedtime love scene - one clip shows a woman on her knees before a man, evidently intent on performing more than a simple prayer.

Dragon Age II will also offer same-sex love stories and cut-scenes - something BioWare decided against in its most recent release, Mass Effect 2.

America's ESRB ratings board spilled the cream.

"During the course of the game, characters sometimes engage in sexual dialogue (e.g., 'Why is it always about sex with you?' and 'Sailing is like sex. Do it wrong, and it'll make you sick.'). Players can also initiate brief cut-scene sequences in which couples (male-female or same-sex) are shown kissing and embracing one another in a bedroom as the screen fades to black," the ESRB observed.

"In one cut-scene, a woman kneels in front of a male character and appears to perform fellatio - there is no depiction of the sex act; the camera pans out to the rest of the room."

Coupled with blood-spattered adventure that also contains bad language, Dragon Age II was awarded a Mature rating by the ESRB.

Dragon Age II will be released on PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 in early March. Before then, on 22nd February (23rd on PS3), a demo will arrive.

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