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Deus Ex: Human Revolution confirmed

Third game seen in motion at GDC.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Update: Deus Ex's original creator Warren Spector has just confirmed Deus Ex: Human Revolution as the official title of Deus Ex 3 and shown a new trailer at the Game Developer Choice Awards. Our colleagues at just got back from the event and and told us.

Original story: Developer Eidos Montreal confirmed once and for all that Deus Ex 3 has had its title changed to Deus Ex: Human Revolution at a GDC session today.

Art director Jonathan Jacques-Belletete kicked off his presentation about the game's "cyber-renaissance" look with a slide displaying the new logo bearing the full title.

The prequel's new title had previously been suggested by a trademark filing and a Lara Croft site.

Jacques-Belletete showed a ton of concept art and some video footage of the game as he explained how he'd arrived at its art style. Filming and photography weren't allowed.

Human Revolution's characters dress in clothes inspired by both contemporary fashions and the ruff collars, puffy sleeves and geometric patterns of the Renaissance.

Jacques-Belletete explained that he wanted the game to have a unique look like BioShock or Team Fortress 2, pointing out that Gears of War, Killzone 2, Turok and Unreal Tournament 3 "could all be the same game".

Characters are portrayed in a lightly stylised fashion, to get away from the "uncanny valley" effect and make them look "more credible", he said.

Commenting on Heavy Rain's realistic approach, Jacques-Belletete said: "This is the most uncanny valley game ever. Beautiful, beautiful game, but those people are so scary!"

Clips of conversations, enemy animations and tracking shots through buildings showed an extremely detailed, ornate design that mixed historical, contemporary and futuristic cues. The colours were rich, with lots of green and gold.

However, Jacques-Belletete reassured the audience that there would be traditional cyberpunk themes too, showing screenshots of sleek futuristic cities at night.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution is in development for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360. It has no release date.

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