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Destiny leak reveals Halloween event, loot, quests

Mask be that time of year again.

Destiny fans have unmasked Bungie's Halloween plans following the deployment of last night's game patch.

As with last year, Destiny will host its Festival of the Lost event featuring paper masks to wear and Halloween-themed consumables to change your appearance.

All of last years masks will be back, along with new designs to dress up as your Ghost, Lord Saladin, raid boss Aksis and moody Prince Uldren.

Spooky new spawn effects and pumpkin head items will also be available, along with a couple of new emotes, weapon ornaments and shaders. The full rundown of items is on Reddit.

Players will once again be given quests to undertake while wearing their masks to earn Halloween candy and craft more paper designs.

Our favourite thing? Last night the long-coveted Tiny Box of Raisins item, gifted last year, finally paid out for those who kept it safe. Withdraw it from your vault and the updated item, now Ascendant Raisins, will grant... an exclusive Grimoire card. Oh, Bungie.

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