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Controversial zombie MMO The War Z now Infestation: Survivor Stories following trademark issue

It's the Pitts.

Controversial zombie MMO The War Z has changed its name to Infestation: Survivor Stories following a trademark issue.

Community manager Kewk said the decision was taken "primarily as a result of some confusion and trademark issues with a similarly titled property".

Whatever could that be? Brad Pitt's film World War Z, perhaps?

"While we were reluctant to rename the game so long after launch, especially with nearly one million registered players, it was ultimately decided to be in the best interest of our existing community as well as future players in order to eliminate confusion," Kewk wrote on the War Z - sorry, the Infestation: Survivor Stories forum.

He insisted players won't be affected by the change.

The War Z, often accused of ripping off Dean Hall's DayZ, has been embroiled in controversy since its launch. In April it was forced offline following a hack, and, late last year, it was booted off of Steam after users highlighted discrepancies between the features listed on its product page and the features included in the actual game.

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