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Cave Story will finally reach the European 3DS eShop in May

This definitive version is also coming to Australia.

Japanese indie adventure Cave Story has seen a lot of iterations over the years with relatively straight ports on WiiWare and DSiWare, a full 3D remake on 3DS, and a spruced up Steam release with extra content called Cave Story+. This final - and arguably definitive - rendition of Cave Story was released on 3DS in North America way back in October 2012, but its European version has been MIA for a year and a half. Now, publisher Nicalis has revealed on Twitter that the long delayed product will reach European shores on 1st May.

The publisher later noted that it will release pricing details next week.

When asked about an Australian release, Nicalis said that it had received a rating by the OFLC, Australia's rating board, and that it will eventually go to that territory at an unannounced time.

Cave Story on 3DS includes a new Wind Fortress stage as well as a host of graphical improvements over its DSiWare counterpart like support for widescreen, higher resolutions, and of course, it will actually use the handheld's 3D effect.

Cave Story+ on PC and Mac is the closest version to the 3DS eShop port.Watch on YouTube

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