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Castlevania October date is "speculation"

Lords of Shadow "TBC", says Konami.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Konami has told Eurogamer that no date has been set for glamorous new PS3 and 360 game Castlevania: Lords of Shadow.

Therefore, a spokesperson added, talk of an October release must be dismissed as "speculation".

An October launch would put Castlevania: Lords of Shadow in the heart of a busy holiday schedule. Konami must believe that its big-budget, third-person interpretation of the creaky old licence will rake in the big bucks.

Certainly the talent is there: Metal Gear Solid creator Hideo Kojima is collaborating - albeit in a hands-off, overseer role.

Ellie Gibson saw Lords of Shadow for Eurogamer at a pre-E3 event this year and was impressed.

Probably go somewhere else on holiday.

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