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Castle Crashers gets charity DLC

Pink Knight rides in for a good cause.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

A new playable character hits ace indie side-scroller Castle Crashers next week. He goes by the name of The Pink Knight and he comes in the name of charity.

From 8th February, US PlayStation 3 users can download the flamboyantly dressed warrior for $1.99, with all proceeds going to breast cancer research charities.

"Born out of popular demand, rumor, and Tom Fulp's Beard, the Pink Knight is ready to bring the love in," explains The Behemoth's Kelly Revak on the developer's website.

"The playable Pink Knight will come packed with the Lollipop and four other brand new additional weapons. Warning: Adorable."

Sorry 360 users, there's no firm XBLA release date just yet, but don't give up hope - The Behemoth are working on it.

"Now before you become sad dear XBLA fans, remember Behemoth loves you too," explained Revak. "We are working hard on a title update for XBLA that will feature the Pink Knight as a playable character as well.

"In the coming weeks we'll have some more updates as to how and when this update will occur, and most importantly what will be included. Rest assured, Pink Knight is coming for you too. With love."

Sounds like the perfect excuse, not that one is needed, to revisit one of the best downloadable titles of recent years. Here's hoping the new addition makes it across the Atlantic.

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