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Capcom "still making new PSP games"

"100 per cent" denies giving up on it.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Capcom has dismissed as "absolutely 100 per cent false" suggestions that it is giving up on the PlayStation Portable.

Answering readers' questions on the Capcom-Unity blog, biz-dev VP Christian Svensson said, "We're still making new PSP games."

"We may be the most successful PSP publisher in the world with Monster Hunter Portable 2nd and 2ndG. It'd be a difficult decision to defend stopping development when we have such success on the platform," Svensson added.

The UK Charts may give the impression no one cares about the poor old PSP, but hardware sales are strong in the US and Japan. In July, for example, figures revealed the PSP outsold the Xbox 360.

In Japan, meanwhile, there are regular reports of the PSP outselling all or most of the other platforms week to week thanks to the success of games like Monster Hunter 2ndG and current chart-topper, Phantasy Star Portable.

And despite the lack of regular chart success in Europe, Sony continues to back the format with software initiatives like the GPS wotsit and Go!View, in partnership with Sky, which now benefits from Premiership football highlights.

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