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Capcom has "big plans" for Street Fighter's 25th birthday

Ken you believe it's been that long?

Capcom has something special planned to mark the 25th anniversary of the Street Fighter franchise.

An official birthday logo was unveiled on its blog earlier today, which you can check out below, though concrete details on exactly what sort of merriment fans can expect was cruelly withheld until a later date.

"Can you believe Ryu has been throwing fireballs and scarring chests for a quarter century?" read the post.

"For 25 years Street Fighter's iconic hero has wandered the globe in search of the perfect battle, and to commemorate his quest - not to mention the millions of fans who've followed him every step of the way - we're preparing some big plans for 2012.

"The full details of this international celebration are still to come, but I can at least share the official logo that'll emblazon all related products through the year."

For those keeping score, 30th August is apparently the series' official birthday.

One thing we know for sure - crossover dust-up Street Fighter X Tekken will be the next significant outing for the franchise, launching on 9th March.

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