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BioWare's Anthem demoed, gameplay revealed

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Microsoft closed its Xbox E3 2017 conference with an extended look at Anthem, BioWare's new shared-world action-role-playing game. It launches autumn 2018 on PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

The gameplay looked incredibly impressive, showcasing a vast open-world where you and a team of up to four friends can explore dense jungles and wildernesses, boosting around by jetpack or mech-enhanced-running. The ruins and treasures of a sci-fi world are there for you to find, but so are big beasties and baddies.

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There wasn't much of a hint to Anthem's story, but we saw the player character heading out in their exo-suit, named Javelins, which we were told come in various models for different play-styles.

The game's look felt like a mix of Avatar, Destiny and Titanfall - and looked lightyears beyond BioWare's recent Mass Effect Andromeda in terms of technology powering it.

Despite closing Microsoft's conference, there was no word on any sort of exclusivity for the game.

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