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Big breasts aren't erotic, says Kamiya

Also: "I am bald, but I am not gay."

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Bayonetta creator Hideki Kamiya has dismissed suggestions that giant knockers are hot stuff.

That's according to reports floating round the Japanese internet, as reported by Kotaku.

"It's a huge mistake to think like an idiot that big breasts on women seem erotic," Kamiya is quoted as saying.

The statement seems likely to be a dig at his long-time rival, Tomonobu Itagaki, who is best known for his work on the Dead or Alive series and associated huge wobbling bangers. The two developers are often to be found taking a pop at each other - as back in 2008, for example, when they had a spat about Ninja Gaiden.

"I am bald, but I am not gay," Kamiya added, for undiscernible reasons.

He did have some things to say about his new game, such as: "For the opponent, dodging attacks is more humiliating than blocking them." Jolly good.

Bayonetta is in development for PS3 and Xbox 360 and will be released here next year. Visit the gamepage for more info, or just watch this YouTube video of Itagaki's greatest tits.

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