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Because We May indie sale next week across all platforms

Loads of games discounted in display of developer control.

Because We May is the name of a new indie campaign lowering the prices of some big name games later this month.

The aim is to celebrate developers being able to control the prices of their games - lowering them on a whim, like now, if they so please.

The Because We May campaign runs from Thursday, 24th May to Friday, 1st June.

Because We May includes output from studios Introversion (Defcon, Uplink, etc.), Team Meat (The Binding of Isaac), Dejobaan (AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! for the Awesome), Gaijin Games (Bit.Trip Runner, etc.), Double Fine (Costume Quest, Stacking, etc.), Hothead (DeathSpank, Penny Arcade Adventures, etc.), Mode 7 (Frozen Synapse) and more. And that's just the Because We May games on Steam.

iOS App Store, Mac App Store, Google Play, Direct from Developer and Other Stores are also included.

"We believe that developers should have the freedom to price their games how they like, without interference from the online stores that sell the games."

Because We May mission statement

"We believe that developers should have the freedom to price their games how they like, without interference from the online stores that sell the games," the Because We May mission statement reads.

"Why? Because it allows us to promote our games more freely, as we are doing here! We rely on the ability to promote our games for our livelihood and control over pricing is an important tool for this purpose."

How "deeply discounted" the games will be remains to be seen.

The Because We May concept and production is by Ron Carmel, he of 2D Boy (World of Goo).

Double Fine's Stacking is on the list.

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