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Assassin's Creed 4 secret hints at possible AC5 locations

Black Flag Easter egg mined for clues.

Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag only launched today but we're already able to look ahead at what the series' future might have in store.

One of the many Easter eggs hidden away in Black Flag's modern day section is an email conversation penned by high-ranking Abstergo employees trying to decide where the next Assassin's Creed game might be set.

Many fan-favourite locations are discussed, and there is confirmation that some of the most asked-after time periods have already been found and sequenced from the DNA of series protagonist Desmond Miles. What a happy coincidence!

There's also lots of very meta discussion about whether the game should have to include another typical video game genre (zombies? ninjas? cowboys?), an in-joke mentioning the series' annual release schedule and nods to a number of Ubisoft employees.

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