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As work on Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance nears end, Konami says it would be awesome to work with Platinum on a sequel

Dampens Wii U talk. Still undecided on PC.

Konami would love to make a sequel to Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, and if it does so, it would be happy to work with action game specialists Platinum once again.

Kojima Productions drafted in Platinum to create Rising after internal work on the project stalled. Platinum turned Rising, which stars cyborg ninja Raiden, into an action game akin to Bayonetta, switched the story to be set after the events of Metal Gear Solid 4 and adding the subtitle: Revengeance.

Now, with the game due out early next year on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, Kojima Productions has told Eurogamer it would be delighted to work on a sequel - assuming fans take to the first game.

“If people like Metal Gear Rising, if the fans who play this game ask for more, that would be awesome,” producer Yuji Korekado said.

“That would be great for us and we would be happy to consider working on another game in Metal Gear Rising.”

The inevitable next question is, will Konami ask Platinum to create the sequel??

“This is a game we definitely couldn't have created at Kojima Productions,” Korekado said. “Also, this is a game Platinum Games couldn't have created on their own.

“We think of this as a product that came from the collaboration of both. We both have our strengths and they were put together. So if we were to create a sequel we definitely want to work in a similar partnership.”

In among sequel talk Korekado suggested Kojima Productions may look beyond Snake and Raiden for new games in the Metal Gear series.

“We believe in the Metal Gear world there are several other characters and settings and other elements that can lead to more projects,” he said.

“If I start saying names and specific characters or elements then people will start thinking we're actually working on those projects, but I believe on Snake's side of course there are many characters how are very interesting.

“Not only that, but also on the enemies' side we believe there are many characters how have potential to be worked on.”

Platinum and Kojima Productions are currently working on bug fixing and making slight adjustments to game balance ahead of the game's release.

The game launches on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, leaving PC and Wii U owners out in the cold.

Korekado said Konami will consider creating a PC port once the console versions are out the door. As for the Wii U, unfortunately, “We aren't currently thinking about that,” Korekado said.

“One of the strongest appeals of the Wii U is the GamePad. However, we've constructed Metal Gear Rising so you can fully enjoy the game on the controllers whether it's on the PS3 or the Xbox. So, currently we aren't thinking about Metal Gear Rising on the Wii U.”

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