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As thoughts turn to Dragon Age 4, BioWare insists it remains "100% committed to Anthem"

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BioWare has insisted it remains committed to embattled looter shooter Anthem after players expressed concern about key developers potentially moving on to Dragon Age 4.

Lead producer Mike Gamble took to Twitter to address "a lot of (incorrect) speculation" about BioWare's support for Anthem, which, he added, "has not changed."

Prior to that, Anthem and Dragon Age executive producer Mark Darrah had tweeted to tease he was now working on Dragon Age 4.

And in response to a follow-up fan question, Gamble pointed to Ben Irving, lead producer on Anthem who works at BioWare Austin, and Chad Robertson, head of live service at BioWare Austin, as the two current Anthem leads.

This exchange prompted some to question the future of Anthem, which in turn prompted Robertson to step in.

"We remain 100 per cent committed to Anthem and look forward to showing players the new content we are working on," Robertson tweeted.

"We want to make sure we aren't overpromising, so our updates on what's coming in the game will be focused when we have things near completion."

Then, "Along with @BenIrvo and I, we've got a big team between Austin and Edmonton focused and motivated for improving the game. We appreciate your support and for being on this journey with us."

Robertson's tweets are a clear attempt to pour cold water on the negative speculation that followed Gamble and Darrah's tweets, but BioWare faces an uphill challenge growing Anthem's audience following the game's disastrous launch.

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Last month, BioWare delayed a raft of additions to Anthem - including its much-hyped Cataclysm, the game's first four-person raid-like activity. Cataclysm is just one of many features listed for Anthem's "Act One" of post-launch content, which has been pushed back as BioWare wrestles its struggling online game into shape.

Meanwhile, work is ongoing on Dragon Age 4, although we don't expect to hear more on that project for some time.

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