Barrysworld liquidated
The end is nigh for one of Britain's longest running GSPs
Popular gaming service provider Barrysworld confirmed today that it has gone into liquidation following a meeting with the company's creditors in London yesterday. This seems to dash hopes that the company would be rescued after the shock announcement in January that they had run out of cash just nine months after a multi-million pound investment deal. The website and servers are still online for now as "the liquidator is using his best efforts to ensure Barrysworld remains online until such time as a sale can be completed", according to a statement from co-founder TedTheDog. "We all believe that Barrysworld has something of considerable value to offer to someone with a little vision, and we are talking to various interested parties and the liquidator is doing his thing."

There are no guarantees that a buyer will be found for the bankrupt company though, especially given the current climate of despair in the internet gaming industry, or what form a resurrected Barrysworld would take if a buyer was found. Whatever happens this almost certainly marks the end of Barrysworld as we know it, and the company's array of gaming servers are very much running on borrowed time.