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Animal Crossing Wii at E3?

It certainly looks that way.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

It's looking increasingly likely that Nintendo will be unveiling Animal Crossing for Wii at E3 next week.

The latest evidence has appeared on the blog of Tom East, who edits Official Nintendo Magazine.

"Those of you who have read the new issue... Should already know that Animal Crossing Wii will be unveiled at the conference," he wrote. And perhaps those of you who haven't should know now too.

Meanwhile, Go Nintendo is reporting Animal Crossing Wii has appeared on a release schedule for Nintendo Norway. Apparently it's out in 2008, along with the intriguing-sounding "Wii Music/Wii Orchestra".

Of course, Nintendo's confirmed nothing so far. But their E3 press conference is on Tuesday, so there might not be long to wait.

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