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3D Animal Crossing on the way?

It'll be unveiled at E3, says report.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Rumours are whizzing round the internet that a 3DS version of Animal Crossing will be on show at E3 next week.

Destructoid quotes "sources" as saying Nintendo has been showing a demo of the game to developers and publishers.

Apparently it's launch title for the platform holder's new handheld, and a big reveal is planned for next week - presumably during Nintendo's E3 conference on Tuesday.

Nintendo has declined to comment on the report, so there's no way of knowing whether it's the real deal or whether naughty old Internet Rumours has been up to his old tricks again.

Still, just a few days till we find out. E3 will take place at the Los Angeles Convention Center from 15th - 17th June, and Eurogamer is packing its toothbrush and panicking about whether it has met US immigration's stringent paperwork requirements as we type.

According to our sources, Nintendo has been quietly wooing developers and publishers with a handheld 3D demo of its popular franchise, Animal Crossing. Word has it that the game will be revealed next week as a launch title for Nintendo's handheld. When contacted with a request for comment, Nintendo's response was as expected: "Nintendo does not comment on rumors or speculation."

As a launch title for the 3D, Animal Crossing seems like a fair bet. The DS title, Animal Crossing: Wild World, was a massive success; as of March 2008, Nintendo said the title had sold 9.53 million copies worldwide. The publisher even bundled the game with the Nintendo DS in 2006.

Nintendo's E3 press conference takes place on Tuesday, June 15 at 9am Pacific. We'll be there, so keep your eyes peeled for next week's live coverage of the event.

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