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Amplitude HD's Kickstarter campaign succeeds on its last day

Comeback kid nearly doubles its funding in two days.

Well what do ya know, Amplitude HD reached its $775K Kickstarter goal after all.

This is especially surprising as it only had about half of its goal a scant two days ago, meaning it raised nearly $400K in that time. Wowzers!

Part of this can be attributed to Insomniac's support where studio founder Ted Price donated $7500 to the cause. More importantly, this brought the struggling campaign some much needed attention as it was in a really tight spot at the 11th hour.

The current Amplitude HD tally comes to $776,294 and there's still 21 hours to go.

Amplitude HD is slated for an estimated March 2015 release on PS4 and PS3, where it will feature Cross-Buy support.

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