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6x XP week for Gears of War 2

Who needs E3?

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Epic Games is running a 6x XP week for Gears of War 2 during E3.

That's according to producer Rod Fergusson, who tweeted the news last night.

"It's official, we're going with 6x XP for the week of E3. So that's 3 times the current double XP," he explained using advanced maths.

"It will run from June 14th @ 9AM EDT till June 21st @ 9 AM EDT." 9am EDT is 2pm BST as far as we can remember.

Epic is showing off Gears of War 3 at E3 next week, so do remember to take a few minutes out from kerb-stomping your friends to check in on that.

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