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Zineth dev re-imagines its pop art-inspired skating game in first-person with Perfect Stride

A "maximalist skater" for PC and Mac.

Last summer I wrote about Zineth, a free pop art-inspired cel-shaded skating game by indie developer Arcane Kids. Now that very developer is at it again, re-imagining its fan-favourite skating game as a first-person "maximalist skater" for PC and Mac entitled Perfect Stride.

So money.

Perfect Stride isn't simply the exact same game with a new perspective, but an all new adventure that takes advantage of the first-person point of view.

Arcane Kids is adamant that this won't be an easy game to learn. According to the developer's amazing, intentionally hideous official site, Perfect Stride is "based on old school FPS movement exploits" such as Quake jumping, Tribes skiing, and Counter-Strike surfing. "The controls are hella hard & we like it that way so shut up," Arcane Kids stated. It also jokingly called the upcoming title, "Literally a perfect game."

Perfect Stride will be getting a limited alpha release for those who backed the LA Game Space Kickstarter, but fear not if you missed out. "If you didn't back the project before, I hear you might have the opportunity to support it and get an early look at Perfect Stride," said Arcane Kids, suggesting that a crowdfunding campaign is on the horizon.

Get a look at Perfect Stride's dizzying gameplay in its debut trailer below.

Watch on YouTube

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