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Yet another endless runner, this time Hitman dev IO's Mini Ninjas

Keep on running.

The endless runner keeps on running: this time it's Hitman developer IO Interactive's Mini Ninjas.

Yesterday IO owner Square Enix published Mini Ninjas for iOS devices for 69 pence on the App Store. No mention of Android as of yet.

Mini Ninjas is a side-scrolling endless runner in which you play as Hiro and his chums, jumping and collecting Kiji Energy and all the rest of it. In an interesting twist, you can craft items. And as expected, there are customisable outfits and potions.

Mini Ninjas was a 2009 action adventure game sandwiched in between IO's two Kane & Lynch games. A Kinect-exclusive spin-off, called Mini Ninjas Adventures, launched last year. Mini Ninjas is even getting its own TV series, Square Enix confirmed.

IO gave the endless runner a thumbs up. It tweeted: "Yay! @SQUARE_ENIX_EU has published a Mini Ninjas endless runner on iOS, which certainly gets our stamp of approval!"

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