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Yes, you can get Mass Effect N7 armour in Anthem

Tuning up.

There are no new Mass Effect games on the immediate horizon, but you will be able to role-play your way through BioWare's upcoming Anthem as an N7 soldier.

Mass Effect and Anthem producer Michael Gamble last night shared this N7 armour skin, as worn in Anthem's Fort Tarsis hub, looking polished and ready for your Freelancer hero to take into battle.

So what if Anthem is set in another universe? It must mean the stories of Mass Effect are a popular sci-fi yarn there, too.

Gamble shared the image as part of N7 Day, BioWare's annual 7th November celebration of all things Mass Effect.

This year it was a fairly quiet affair - although if you missed it yesterday, Mass Effect Andromeda is now enhanced on Xbox One X.

BioWare also released this video to "take a look back - and a glimpse at the future of Mass Effect". It concludes with BioWare boss Casey Hudson - a key architect behind the original Mass Effect trilogy - saying what N7 means to him: "It means coming into the studio every day, dreaming what the next great Mass Effect game will be."

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