Ooooooh, I'm a tinglin' because this one should be special. After a slight false start earlier in the year, Microsoft is about to properly show its hand when it comes to the next generation of Xbox. The Xbox Games Showcase is - as the name suggests - about games and nothing else. Join us at 5pm BST to see what surprises await.
Hello and welcome to the live report for today's Xbox Games Showcase.
– Martin Robinson
Sorry about all the coughing and whatnot.
– Martin Robinson
That's proper old Hollywood behaviour.
– Martin Robinson
You're all off watching the pre-show aren't you?
– Martin Robinson
That's plain rude.
– Martin Robinson
I've probably bored you with this before but my friend once interviewed Donald Sutherland and before he could even ask a question Donald demanded a spittoon.
– Martin Robinson
MarkMarkYepMark: I don’t fancy being your friend and having to tell Donald that Spittoon has a double “t” in it.
I knew that... Honest. (Thank heavens for the edit button).
– Martin Robinson
15 minutes to go so I'm going to do the decent thing and get a beer.
That sounds much more palatable than what you were drinking last time!
– Martin Robinson
So, predictions...
– Martin Robinson
I'll let you go first.
– Martin Robinson
– Martin Robinson
Oh god you're all in for a CRUSHING DISAPPOINTMENT tonight.
– Martin Robinson
I'd love Phil S to come rollerblading on stage, though, before doing a massive JSRF tag and announcing it's BAAAAAAAAAACK.
– Martin Robinson
GarciaHotspur: Gradius 6 then surely?
Don't. Just don't.
– Martin Robinson
Halo Infinite is of course locked in.
– Martin Robinson
And I don't think anyone would be too surprised to see a new Forza Motorsport and Playground Games' Fable.
– Martin Robinson
What else, though?
– Martin Robinson
We're expecting new IP from Obsidian and something from The Initiative - the fancy Santa Monica studio Xbox has founded with veterans from the likes of Crystal Dynamics.
– Martin Robinson
Will either of those make an appearance?
– Martin Robinson
Kami: XBox 360 had some lovely JRPGs early on. Blue Dragon, Infinite Undiscovery...
We have just had Dragon Quest 11 announced for Xbox! I think I'm up for a third playthrough of that too...
– Martin Robinson
I honestly would be happy if we had an hour of Microsoft Flight Sim tbh.
– Martin Robinson
Ten seconds.
– Martin Robinson
And. Here. We. Go.
– Martin Robinson
– Martin Robinson
kaisersoser: Nice pre show. Some delightful surprises!
I missed the entire thing because I was too busy making sure I had beer for this. Ever the professional.
– Martin Robinson
Well, this will be Halo Infinite then.
– Martin Robinson
Which sounds very much like 343 is going back to the drawing board a bit - and going back to Combat Evolved.
– Martin Robinson
Miyamotosan: Has anyone else got two doofus's talking over their video feed?
That's your punishment for watching the pre-show and not joining us here exclusively.
– Martin Robinson
vert1go: Neck stab count so far: 0
It is early days...
– Martin Robinson
Right, that's the CG bit done.
– Martin Robinson
343 I love you, but no-one plays Halo for the CG bits.
– Martin Robinson
– Martin Robinson
Yeah like this will do - a dramatic emergency landing on a Halo ring sets up our first look at Infinite in action.
– Martin Robinson
Which is obviously a bit familiar from Combat Evolved's iconic introduction of the ring world.
– Martin Robinson
Wish this bearded lad would pipe down a bit.
– Martin Robinson
Well, the Master Chief has a new annoying comedy sidekick.
– Martin Robinson
Elsewhere, though - Halo Infinite does indeed look a lot like Combat Evolved.
– Martin Robinson
It also looks a lot like Halo 5 to me - I'm not seeing anything that screams next-gen, but I am also watching on a compressed 1080p60 feed.
– Martin Robinson
What it does show is that the more freeform battles of Combat Evolved's open levels feature.
– Martin Robinson
As do, for now, solely Covenant enemies.
– Martin Robinson
And as soon as I say that a big bastard brute shows up.
– Martin Robinson
An elevator zooms quickly up from the ground and we get a sense of exactly how big this world is.
– Martin Robinson
I think that was being pitched as Halo Infinite's Breath of the Wild moment.
– Martin Robinson
And yes the Chief does have a grappling hook.
– Martin Robinson
There's something incredibly camp about a grappling hook.
– Martin Robinson
So I approve, basically.
– Martin Robinson
Is Cortana the grappling hook? Is this a sneaky remake of that weird Bionic Commando reboot?
– Martin Robinson
45709: Place your bets will we get a release date and price?
I'd very much bet against it.
– Martin Robinson
So, Halo Infinite - it looks... decent? We'll be seeing a bit more of it later on tonight and will be sure to tell you all we discover.
– Martin Robinson
It's the most ambitious game they've done yet, say 343.
– Martin Robinson
Still waiting for the day someone comes out and just admits this is the least ambitious thing they've done.
– Martin Robinson
That they're just sort of going through the motions and living from paycheque to paycheque. Watching the clock tick to 5pm every day.
– Martin Robinson
Anyway that was Halo Infinite it'll be 4K60 and will be Halo.
– Martin Robinson
Here's a new game.
– Martin Robinson
It's a CG trailer, unfortunately.
– Martin Robinson
So feck knows exactly what kind of game it is.
– Martin Robinson
It's got a manky deer in it tho.
– Martin Robinson
And it is State of Decay 3.
– Martin Robinson
Hope they put the manky deer on the cover.
– Martin Robinson
There's Phil! What t-shirt is he wearing?
– Martin Robinson
Oh it's just a Halo Infinite t-shirt. No sneaky tease - yet, anyway.
– Martin Robinson
Instead we're getting a slick sales pitch on Games Pass.
– Martin Robinson
samquorn92: How many Japanese developed games can we expect today?
We've had Dragon Quest 11 already - I know it's old, but it's the biggest series Japan has so it's quite a statement of intent.
– Martin Robinson
And here's cars.
– Martin Robinson
Because I'm me I can tell you there was a Chaparral there.
– Martin Robinson
And here's an in-engine look at what I think is simply called Forza Motorsport.
– Martin Robinson
We start at Laguna Seca and also see a lot of a garage that I presume acts as some sort of hub.
– Martin Robinson
And there's a lot of IMSA and GT machinery pounding around, which I approve of.
– Martin Robinson
One thing to note there - that just said Windows and Xbox Series X. No Xbox One.
– Martin Robinson
This is Everwild, which is either a terrible 90s indie rock band or Rare's new IP, I forget.
– Martin Robinson
What kind of game is it? WHO KNOWS IT'S ANOTHER CG TRAILER.
– Martin Robinson
Again, Xbox Series X and Windows PC the only platforms that show up there.
– Martin Robinson
Everwild is a place to be eternal, we're told by Everwild's executive producer.
– Martin Robinson
– Martin Robinson
Next, let's go a bit more domestic with Dontnod's...
– Martin Robinson
(Runs to google to remind myself what Dontnod are working on atm)
– Martin Robinson
Yes I knew that of course.
– Martin Robinson
That was Tell Me Why. And this is Moon Studios, the devs behind Ori.
– Martin Robinson
And they're making a special Xbox Series X version of Ori and the Will O' the Wisps
– Martin Robinson
I got that wrong didn't I? It's Ori and the Will of the Wisps.
– Martin Robinson
attomm19883: Only Halo showed gameplay then, so far. So disappointing.
Forza was in-engine, if that counts...
– Martin Robinson
(I don't think it does)
– Martin Robinson
Private Division - 2K's indie arm - now has something to show us.
– Martin Robinson
Ah, it's... Outer Worlds. I guess on Xbox Series X.
– Martin Robinson
Peril on Gorgon, an Outer Worlds expansion coming September 9th. If that's your kind of thing.
– Martin Robinson
And Grounded is next.
– Martin Robinson
Obsidian's new joint that's currently available to check out in early access.
– Martin Robinson
Does this mean we'll get to see the studio's new IP next?
– Martin Robinson
Feargus is here now - we've seen two Obsidian games, so how about a third?
– Martin Robinson
And here we go.
– Martin Robinson
It's a CG trailer.
– Martin Robinson
So *shrugs*.
– Martin Robinson
Ah hang on, we've got a bit of first-person gameplay that looks very Skyrim.
– Martin Robinson
oakie007: Right that's it... I'm holding my breath until a decent game is shown...
– Martin Robinson
That could be something quite special, of course - though it's very hard to say based on that.
– Martin Robinson
That's Avowed, then.
– Martin Robinson
And this is a new game from Interior Night - London-based, and founded by a Quantic Dreams veteran.
– Martin Robinson
It's a grounded experience - as you might expect given the studio's heritage.
– Martin Robinson
An interactive drama.
– Martin Robinson
Weirdly it looks to me like Linklater's rotoscoped films Waking Life and his great take on A Scanner Darkly.
– Martin Robinson
Very hard to get a handle on that one, but here's Hellblade 2.
– Martin Robinson
The reveal is that Hellblade 2 is set in Iceland. And there's a new video about how they scouted the location.
– Martin Robinson
Oh video games.
– Martin Robinson
Double Fine are next with what must be Psychonauts 2.
– Martin Robinson
There is absolutely nothing so far that's motivating me to get a Series X later this year. But let's see!
– Martin Robinson
Oh god yes please.
– Martin Robinson
It's okay it's Jack Black singing.
– Martin Robinson
BRB, rushing to Curry's to pre-order this Jack Black singing machine MS wants me to buy.
– Martin Robinson
Destiny 2 is coming to Series X, and to Games Pass.
– Martin Robinson
Do people still play Destiny 2? It feels like three lifetimes ago that I bounced so hard off it.
– Martin Robinson
We'll be getting a 4K60 version of Destiny for Series X too.
– Martin Robinson
I just came back from a quick toilet break, so let's say..... NOW!
– Martin Robinson
And with a nice look at STALKER 2 - hang on, they're still making STALKER 2 - I'm certainly feeling this a bit more.
– Martin Robinson
That is a surprise, and a very welcome one!
– Martin Robinson
This looks INCREDIBLY moody and sinister in all the best possible ways.
– Martin Robinson
Yes please very much thank you.
– Martin Robinson
And here's!
– Martin Robinson
Kiliko: Drink every time it says world premiere
I've already been for one pee...
– Martin Robinson
This is a new Warhammer game from FatShark?
– Martin Robinson
Oh wow it's a 40K game from FatShark, called Darktide.
– Martin Robinson
– Martin Robinson
All of a sudden this got real good.
– Martin Robinson
And now it's Enhance, and it can't get much better than this.
– Martin Robinson
This is a new take on Tetris Effect - one of the games of the last few years, if you ask me.
– Martin Robinson
– Martin Robinson
Tetris Effect Connected, coming to Xbox later this year.
– Martin Robinson
Image and Form, developers of SteamWorld, are working on something big.
– Martin Robinson
That's another big yes please from me.
– Martin Robinson
And how!
– Martin Robinson
The Gunk!
– Martin Robinson
It looks packed full of neat and satisfying little systems like all of Image and Form's games - but this time in 3D!
– Martin Robinson
Something moody and grounded now.
– Martin Robinson
This, I believe, is Bloober's new joint.
– Martin Robinson
(Someone much smarter than me just told me).
– Martin Robinson
dai_bonehead: Watching with my 12 year old son. He just let rip with an absolute face melter of a fart. May be the most powerful thing I’ve experienced in the last hour.
The true power of the next generation.
– Martin Robinson
Medium! Again, that looks like a Series X and PC exclusive.
– Martin Robinson
– Martin Robinson
I know those guys!
– Martin Robinson
They're great.
– Martin Robinson
And I can sort of forgive them for taking so goddamn long to bring PSO 2.0 to the west.
– Martin Robinson
Ah well, better late than never.
– Martin Robinson
Phantasy Star Online 2.0 New Genesis, coming next year.
– Martin Robinson
This, I think, is CrossFireEX - and Remedy's single-player piece of the massively popular game.
– Martin Robinson
oldmanshoutsatcloud: CAN YOU PROTECT ME FROM FATE?
I mean, probably not.
– Martin Robinson
Well, that's coming up to a wrap.
– Martin Robinson
And there's more to come later in the year.
– Martin Robinson
Oh yeah, and one last trailer.
– Martin Robinson
(It's Fable).
– Martin Robinson
It's a CG trailer though, innit.
– Martin Robinson
Well, that revealed absolutely sod all.
– Martin Robinson
A bit of an odd show, that.
– Martin Robinson
Microsoft is keen to push its sort of platform agnostic games are games angle, which is great and something I broadly approve of.
– Martin Robinson
But there is absolutely nothing there convincing me to get a Series X.
– Martin Robinson
If I had the spare chunk of change needed for one of these machines later this year - well, I'd just spend it upgrading a PC.
– Martin Robinson
Still, let's see what else they've got in the future! As mentioned earlier, we'll have more on Halo for you later tonight.
– Martin Robinson
And thanks as ever for joining us.
– Martin Robinson
(Don't blame me for the CG trailers, I do keep telling them but they won't listen).
– Martin Robinson
oakie007: Mother in law says.... Hi guys... How did Phil do...
Not his greatest performance - almost invisible, but a solid presence at the back. 6/10.