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XBLA Case Zero sales are 600,000

They're dead good and rising.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

This year's break-out success on Xbox Live Arcade was Dead Rising 2: Case Zero - the downloadable prologue to Dead Rising 2.

Capcom revealed that as of the end of October, the game's total sales were over 600,000.

"Crazy! Thanks to everyone for making it a big success!" wrote Capcom's jgonzo on his blog.

Dead Rising 2: Case Zero sales are so high that it's the fifth best selling XBLA game according to leaderboard activity, recorded by GamerBytes (via GameSetWatch)

Dead Rising 2: Case Zero added over 100,000 sales to its already impressive tally throughout October.

Before that, Dead Rising 2: Case Zero made headlines as the fastest-selling XBLA game ever.

In fact, so bowled over by Case Zero's success has Capcom been, that the publisher seems to be considering DLC as an alternative to traditional advertising.

Dead Rising 2: Case Zero fills the gap between DR1 and DR2. It also introduces new hero Chuck Greene. What did we think? Christian Donlan awarded Dead Rising 2: Case Zero 8/10.

The first 15 minutes of Case Zero.

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