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Woman sets Guinness World Record for largest Silent Hill collection

Consisting of 360 items.

Think you're a big Silent Hill fan? Well you might be, but chances are you've got nothing on Whitney Chavis, whose Silent Hill collection is so big that it's actually set a Guinness World Record.

Chavis's Silent Hill collection is arguably creepier than Silent Hill.

As reported by Konami's blog, Chavis's collection consists of 360 pieces of silent Hill paraphernalia.

When Guinness verified the record on 24th July 2014, the collection totaled 342 items.

Many of these are exceedingly rare, and one - the Seal of Metatron from Silent Hill: Revelation - is one of a kind and was custom made by the special makeup & creature effects designer on the movie, Paul Jones.

Some of Chavis's other favourite items include an official tourism map prop from the 2006 film, a Silent Hill: Revelation 3D Lakeside Amusement Park Robbie prop, a Heather resin with custom base, and a large cloth banner for the series.

When Chavis isn't scouring the internet for the rare Silent Hill collectible she doesn't have, she runs the Silent Hill Historical Society fansite.

Get a look at Chavis's collection as of 31st December 2013 in the video below.

Watch on YouTube

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