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Will there be a Killzone 4?

Guerrilla has "a lot of room to expand".

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Killzone 3 climaxes with the door left tantalisingly open for further adventures – and Guerrilla Games has confirmed that there's "ample opportunity" for a fourth instalment of the spectacular shooter series.

"There's still a lot of room in the Killzone universe to expand and to do new stories," senior producer Steven ter Heide told Eurogamer TV.

"We want to leave ourselves open like [the ending of Killzone 3] because Killzone's not going to go away anytime soon."

Guerrilla MD Hermen Hulst added that the studio had far from exhausted ideas for future games to work within "the mythic arc for the entire franchise".

He explained: "We've had our Pearl Harbour moment, our D-Day moment, but there are so many different types of war, different kinds of conflicts that have originated from different reasonings, from a different rationale."

In the meantime, Killzone is coming to the recently revealed NGP, with Sony Cambridge rather than Guerrilla on development duties. Will there be any cross-platform functionality? Hulst refused to be drawn, stating: "What can I say? I can say it's too early to talk about that."

Asked if there was anything the studio wasn't able to include in Killzone 3 – which scored an impressive eight in its Eurogamer review - Hulst revealed: "Maybe online co-op – but that was a conscious choice. We wanted to do one co-op mode very well instead of spreading ourselves thin in that regard. That's the way life goes."

Killzone 3 is out on 25th February. To hear more from Guerrilla and see how the game shapes up against this year's other big PS3-exclusive shooter, Resistance 3, check out the latest episode of The Eurogamer TV Show below.

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