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What HVS wants from the Nintendo Wii 2

"Multi-core would be great." Wii visuals "haggard".

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Speculation is rife that Nintendo will tease a new home console at E3 this year, with one analyst saying an announcement this June wouldn't be a surprise – but what does the hardware have to include?

For experienced Wii developer High Voltage Software, it is imperative the console displays in high definition and features more memory.

Why? Because Wii games look"haggard".

"From a development standpoint and from a games perspective, really there's not much that it would need," chief creative officer Eric Nofsinger told Eurogamer. "The primary things that would really help out the system is more memory, of course – you always want more memory on whatever system you're working on – and HD output.

"Having a fixed output resolution of 480p, even in widescreen, it's hard, because you make these assets and you know they look really great. Even if you show the same type of graphics but put it on a higher resolution output, it just immediately looks better on most modern televisions in the home.

"If they could just have a higher output resolution and more memory, really the system could do a lot. You also want a faster processor. Multi-core would be great. But even if they just did only those two things we'd be very excited about it as a developer. They'd be hard pressed not to do those two things."

Last week Stern Agee analyst Arvind Bhatia told Gamasutra: "We would not be surprised if Nintendo unveiled the specifications of its next console at E3 in June this year, followed by product introduction early next year."

Nintendo, he said, needs to catch up to the more advanced hardware used by Microsoft and Sony.

For Nofsinger, who is readying the launch of Wii-exclusive first-person shooter Conduit 2, the visuals capable on the Wii are now outdated – even by mobile phones.

"At the time they came out you could get away with it [480p visuals]. Now, it's kinda of a little haggard. You get cell phones with HD output. It starts making you fidget with your tie a bit."

Nintendo famously disrupted the home console business with the introduction of motion control. The Wii Remote, and subsequent improvements, did for many pave the way for Sony's Move controller and Microsoft's add-on Kinect.

Should Nintendo's next home console, which some are calling Wii 2, stick with motion control build in?

"I would love to see [motion control] transferred over," Nofsinger said. "I think they were a trend leader with that. It works really well, especially with Wii MotionPlus. I'd love to see them expand on that more. I'd like to see that incorporated into the hardware unit."

But, Kinect-style hands-free motion control is not what Nofsinger's after from Nintendo's next.

"It's an interesting piece of hardware but I still feel like no one has come out with that concept that makes me as a gamer want to reach out and go, I gotta get this! This is awesome!

"It's cool. We like it. It's just I don't think anyone's come up with that idea yet. I'm waiting for that brilliant idea that only works because it's a Kinect thing.

"Will Wright or somebody is going to come up with it and then everybody's going to come up with a dozen knock-offs.

"Not having a button is just such a huge risk, and it's a challenge as a design concept. Even iPhone has a button. Even they get you have to have at least one button. It's hard. It's a really challenging thing.

"I'm sure people are going to figure it out and there are going to be some really neat game ideas."

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