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Watch: Seven games we'd love to see remastered

Featuring questionable choices from Johnny.

I played Call of Duty: Modern Warfare remastered last week and it was an object lesson in the power of nostalgia; the upcoming re-release of CoD 4 certainly seems to have got a lot of people talking, for better or worse.

All this discussion got me thinking about what other games we'd like to see remastered, so I made the video below. The best thing about it is that with Chris and Aoife both off work and Ian visiting a game studio, nobody was around to veto my selection.

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Apologies for getting all misty eyed while discussing Rainbow 6: Vegas 2 there. Anyway, doubtless you've got remastered wishlists of your own, so feel free to discuss the games you'd most like to see get spruced up a bit in the comments below.

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