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Watch: How big is the grind in No Man's Sky?

Atlas shrugged.

I think it's safe to say that No Man's Sky has successfully captured my attention. This isn't overly surprising as I'm a big fan of Elite: Dangerous, a game which scratches many of the same itches as Hello Games' colourful new release. Coming to No Man's Sky as an Elite player, however, I had one question on my mind - not 'what do you do in No Man's Sky', but 'how hard have you got to grind to do it?'

It's no secret that there's a fairly significant grind built into Elite: Dangerous, so I was curious to see whether No Man's Sky was similarly taxing. After about seven hours of play time, I gathered my thoughts into the video below.

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For my money, then, No Man's Sky is a game with a definite grind built in, but one that (thus far) hasn't stopped me enjoying myself. Doubtless there will be others out there who disagree, not having been conditioned (brainwashed?) by Elite: Dangerous in the same way I have. If you are one of those people, or if you fancy having a natter about your experience so far in No Man's Sky, the comment section awaits below.

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