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Wadjet Eye's latest sci-fi yarn Primordia gets a playable demo

Full game due on 5th December. Ranked # 64 on Steam Greenlight.

Wadjet Eye Games - the publisher behind such point-and-click adventures as Gemini Rue, Resonance, and the Blackwell series - has just released a demo for its upcoming post-apocalyptic cyberpunk offering Primordia.

The game is set eons after the fall of man where the player takes control of a grim robot named Horatio, voiced by Bastion narrator Logan Cunningham doing his best Alec Baldwin impression.

Primordia is due on 5th December at and Wadjet Eye is currently looking for votes on Steam Greenlight after Valve rejected it, despite having accepted several of the publisher's previous offerings. It's currently ranked # 64 on Steam Greenlight.

Feel free to give the demo a spin here.

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