Virgin Media, Eurogamer launch 100 Day Game Project
Get your game concept launched at Eurogamer Expo.

Got a great concept for a game? Virgin Media is looking for the best new idea to turn into a working mobile or tablet title.
The game's beta version will be made in 100 days and be launched at this year's Eurogamer Expo.
Budding games developers can now submit their ideas via Virgin Media's 100 Day Game Project. Entry is open until 27th May.
Entries will be judged by Eurogamer's very own Tom "Champo" Champion, plus Douglas Hare from Outplay Entertainment, David Hamilton from Digital Goldfish and Craig Lawson from Ubisoft Reflections.
The winning idea (and up to four people can work as a team) will be announced in mid-June, and then travel to the University of Dundee where, over 100 days, the game concept will become a reality. The beta will be finished and unveiled live at Eurogamer Expo 2012, with the game then playable at this year's event.
"The mobile gaming industry is booming and we know that in the UK, we have got some of the best games developer talent in the world," Virgin Media spokesman Luke Southern said. "Championing entrepreneurial spirit is something we're really passionate about and this project is great way to celebrate this, we can't wait to see the final result of this exciting competition. "