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Video: Remember the little ways games used to be worse

Plus more from Outside Xbox.

Things weren't always better in the age before day one DLC, season passes and microtransactions; there were plenty of other little ways in which games of yore were The Worst.

Take, for example, the game ending that was no more than a paragraph of text saying congratulations, would you like to play again, or the aggravating water level that was apparently mandatory in the 1990s. Consider these and the rest of our least favourite and still-not-forgiven game grievances in the following video.

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Those of you following Mike's Hitman career will be impressed by the after action report from his latest contract. Less so when you see the primary target standing below the balcony of the hotel room where Mike has stashed a sniper rifle, but the two remaining targets are at least less conveniently placed.

Will his luck hold out? Or will it all go, as they say in the Hitman business, a bit Mike? Watch and see.

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Lastly in this week's Outside Xbox highlights reel, a bitter salute to the curious difficulty settings we will never complete.

Some games take the notion of overcoming adversity and crank it so hard the dial falls off, creating brutally difficult modes that only the seriously skilful or wilfully masochistic would take on. Games such as these:

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