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Video: Assassin's Creed Syndicate, TowerFall Dark World and questionable privates - The Eurogamer Show #8

Sorry, actual cockneys.

This week was really exciting because Ubisoft finally admitted they were making an Assassin's Creed game set in London, which meant we could all stop pretending they might be doing anything but making an Assassin's Creed game set in London.

Now that we know they're making an Assassin's Creed game set in London though, are we excited? Which Eurogamer staffer will use the new arrows in Towerfall Ascension's Dark World DLC to greatest effect? Precisely what part of a horse's anatomy would Chris Bratt describe as 'squeezable'?

All of these questions and more* will be answered below in episode 8 of The Eurogamer Show!

*I'm not posing you any more questions, that's quite enough mystery for one article. Feel free to come up with your own if that's left you wanting.

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