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Velocity 2X is coming to Xbox One, PC, Mac and Linux

Via new publishing deal with Sierra.

Acclaimed PS4 and Vita shmup/platformer hybrid Velocity 2X is coming to Xbox One, PC, Mac and Linux via publisher Sierra.

Developer Futurlab confirmed that it will be handling the ports' development, while Sierra just handles the business side of publishing - something Futurlab considers a win-win.

"Self publishing is HARD," said Futurlab's James Marsden in a blog post. "I spent more time doing PR and marketing on Velocity 2X than I spent designing levels. I became a bottleneck for the whole project. That was far from ideal.

"Thanks to blogging it's now common knowledge that marketing is just as important as making a great-innovative-artistically-stunning-multiple-award-winning-GOTY (some people might say more important)."

The developer noted that it retains the rights to the Velocity IP and will continue to work with Sony for future projects in addition to further collaborations with Sierra.

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