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Velocity 2X headed to Nintendo Switch next month

Manual Samuel, too.

Nintendo Switch's indie game back catalogue will grow further next month with the addition of Velocity 2X.

Fellow indie Manual Samuel is also headed Switch-wards, publisher Curve Digital announced this morning.

Velocity 2X is an enjoyable sci-fi sidescrolling platformer meets shmup which was well received upon its initial release four years ago.

"It rewards those who take their time, who perfect their technique on each stage," Simon Parkin wrote in Eurogamer's Velocity 2X review, "and who savour an arcade game that's been lovingly embellished and expanded to its full and likely final potential."

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Meanwhile, Manual Samuel is a QWOP-inspired adventure game which launched a couple of years back, likewise to a positive response.

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Both games launch on Switch some time during August, though final release dates have yet to be set.

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