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Ubisoft surveys public on future Assassin's Creed locations

Victorian England? Ancient Egypt? American revolution?

Assassin's Creed developer Ubisoft has asked the public for help choosing where the historical series will be set in a future installment.

An image of the market research survey, posted by EmpireStateGamer, shows Ubisoft is considering eight possible locations, including Victorian England and Feudal Japan.

"Among the following propositions, in which of the following historical periods and locations would you like one of the next Assassin's Creed games to take place?", Ubisoft asks.

The options listed are:

  • The violent conflicts of the Imperial Dynasties in Medieval China
  • The advent of the mighty British Empire during Victorian England
  • The culmination of the Pharaoh Reign in Ancient Egypt
  • The invasion of the Americas by the Spanish Conquistadors
  • The confrontation between British colonists and native Americans during The American Revolution
  • The overthrow of the Tsar Empire by the Communists during the Russian Revolution
  • The Warlord Battles in Feudal Japan
  • The rise of Cesar's Empire in Ancient Rome

With another Assassin's Creed game already in the works for 2012, it's likely by this point the list purtains to yet another title - a spin-off, or even 2013's entry for the annual franchise.

Some of the locations and time periods, such as Fedual Japan and Victorian England, are already popular suggestions among Assassin's Creed fans.

Others have already been hinted at within Assassin's Creed canon. An adventure in Ancient Egypt would fit with hints dropped in this year's Revelations, while Medieval China could fit in to the story told by Revelations' animated epilogue film, Embers, which features Chinese assassin Shao Jun.

A game set during the Russian Revolution, meanwhile, would be set in the same time period as Assassin's Creed graphic novels The Fall and The Chain. They feature the saga of Russian Assassin Nikolai Orelov and his modern day counterpart Daniel Cross.

Other suggestions are more surprising. Would British colonists be the bad guys in a story set during the American Revolution? Would the Spanish be the good guys in a South American conquistador-era tale?

Revelations, the last to feature the current cast of historical assassins Ezio and Altair.

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