Ubisoft leaks Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Remake on Uplay
UPDATE: Officially announced with trailer.
UPDATE: Ubisoft has officially announced Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Remake after this morning's leak.
It's due out 21st January 2021 on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
The trailer is below:
Ubisoft said the game features new enemy character models as well as entirely new cinematic sequences along with enhanced voices, sounds, parkour animations and soundtrack. The camera, controls and combat have been rebuilt, and you can choose between original or modernised mapping.
You can unlock the original Prince of Persia game ('92 Mac version) at some point as you play and access it from the main menu whenever you want, Ubisoft added.
ORIGINAL STORY: Here's another Ubisoft leak for the bulging ledger: Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Remake.
The existence of a Prince of Persia remake had already leaked, but now, courtesy of the Russian Uplay, we now know the remake is of much-loved 2003 platformer The Sands of Time.
The leak, spotted by eagle-eyed ResetEra user AndrewDTF, doesn't do the game any favours in the looks department (the memes have already begun!), but this isn't exactly how Ubisoft hoped the world would get its first look at the Prince in his fancy clothes.
The original images in this article have been removed following a DCMA takedown request from Ubisoft. Here are some official ones.

Expect a full - and official - reveal tonight during the Ubisoft Forward event.