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Ubi to "refocus" on 360 and PS3 this year

Not so keen on the Wii and DS these days.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Ubisoft boss Yves Guillemot has said the company is planning to make Sony and Microsoft's consoles the priority in 2010.

"With a view to further reducing our exposure to the DS, we intend to continue to refocus our development resources on our major franchises and on the Xbox 360 and PS3, the two consoles which are expected to see sales growth in games for gamers in 2010," he said (as reported by Joystiq).

"The 2010-11 line-up - which is stronger in franchises for Xbox 360 and PS3 - reflects our refocusing efforts and should enable us to both win market share and enhance our profitability." As previously reported Ubi's line-up for the next financial year include a new Assassin's Creed game plus additional instalments in the Ghost Recon, Prince of Persia, Rabbids and Driver series.

The company is expecting to hit a sales target of €860 million this year - that's means an operating loss of €50 million and it's a lower figure than had been expected. According to Ubi it's down to the fact casual game sales have dropped by nearly half over the last 12 months, while games such as Avatar and "non-casual" Wii titles didn't do so well. Ubi reckons the figures were also affected by delays to Splinter Cell: Conviction and R.U.S.E.

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