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Trials 2 now on Steam

Brimming with m0t0rb1k3s, folks.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Eurogamer's cult game of the moment, RedLynx Trials 2: Second Edition, is now available on Steam - where it'll set you back a princely $9.99 for over 51 tracks of pure arcade game brilliance.

In fact, scratch that - there's a special offer on between now and June 4th, which means that it only costs $8.99 until then. We've paid significantly more than that for a cup of weak coffee and a slightly stale sandwich, so getting hours of incredibly addictive gaming for that price is simply ridiculous.

RedLynx Trials 2: Second Edition is a superbly delivered modern update on the Kikstart / Stunt Biker idea, taking the 2D side-scrolling motorbike obstacle course and adding a healthy dose of modern physics to the affair. Kieron loved it to bits, awarding it a more than healthy 8/10 in his review last month.

More details on the Steam store page.

(We can say with some authority that this really is Eurogamer's cult game of the moment, based on the fact that Tom took a moment out of his undoubtedly hectic schedule of swanning about the place lording it over everyone to send us an email from his BlackBerry informing us of this news story and saying "Woo!".)

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